Baron Chemicals

Some cleaning products are made with some pretty strong chemicals. These chemicals are designed to kill germs and to prevent them from spreading. As a parent, you’re probably wondering how you can clean your child’s toys and any other surface they’re frequently making contact with. More importantly, you might be curious about the safest methods to take when it comes to cleaning toys and games. Cleaning your child’s go-to games for playtime is a necessity. You don’t need to create a sterile environment, but you do need to implement some cleanliness wherever your child may go or touch. We provide some tips to help you keep your child’s toys spic-and-span.

Soap and Water for Gentle Cleansing 

Using soap and water is the optimal way to clean your child’s toys—at least for most of them. Toys that are made out of rubber, plastic, and silicone can easily be eliminated of germs by allowing them to soak in water and using mild soap. You can allow these toys to be air-dried. After they have dried, you can trust that the toys are in a good shape for playtime!

Dishwasher-Safe Toys

If your child’s toys state that they are dishwasher-safe, then don’t be afraid to take advantage of this! If you’re afraid that the dishwasher may cause some damage, you can mitigate the risks by using a more gentle detergent and a lower setting. You can also add some vinegar for extra germ-killing power. Most toys that don’t have batteries in them can be placed in the dishwasher for a deep clean. If you would rather not opt for the dishwasher, you can simply throw them in hot water and minimal dish detergent.

Disinfectant Wipes 

Disinfectant wipes are very effective when it comes to killing bacteria and harmful germs. Even better, they are an economical choice. We understand the work and time that accompanies dishwashing, even just washing alone. If you want to save as much water and cleaning products as possible, then disinfectant wipes are a safe and smart option. We recommend using disinfectant wipes to clean your little one’s toys occasionally. You can do so more often if they travel with their toys.

Environmentally-Friendly Surface Cleaners 

If the chemicals in disinfectant wipes still don’t seem like the best option, it couldn’t get any safer than with environmentally-friendly surface cleaners. These products are some of the safest when it comes to using them around your little one. Although, you will only want to use these chemicals and cleaners for toys that do not include dyes, phthalates, and parabens and are biodegradable. If your little one is still teething, environmentally-friendly surface cleaners are optimal.

Washing Plush Toys 

Plush toys tend to carry the most germs. Even worse, they can contribute to allergies and could possibly carry dust mites. No parent wants their child to come into contact with these dangers. To clean plush toys or toys with linens and fabrics, the company Fisher-Price recommends putting them in a washing cycle to run on a hot cycle. The hot water and laundry detergent should be more than enough to eliminate these germs carried on plush toys.

Plastic Toys with Battery Compartments 

For your child’s plastic toys that do come with batteries, you’ll have to take extra measures for them to undergo a thorough cleaning. Once you have taken the batteries out, you can use a toothbrush and scrub the creases and surfaces, especially if there is any buildup in the battery compartment. Rinse with hot water, and the toy should be set! Provide the toy with ample time to dry before inserting the batteries.

Handling Wooden Toys 

It can be tricky cleaning wooden toys since the material can become soft and tear in water. With that being said, you can simply use a disinfectant wipe to lightly go over the surfaces, especially in the grooves (if any) where dirt and dust could collect. You could also use a damp cloth with vinegar in it and dab it onto the toy lightly. You can use a soft dry brush to remove any dirt lying in the creases.

Baron Chemical: Your Trusted Supplier for Safe Cleaning

Baron Chemical comes into contact with customers of all kinds. Not only that, but we also learn about the many goals our customers approach us with when it comes to living and working in safe environments. We care about our customers, especially those who are parents. We understand your concern about your child’s safety, and we’re here to help! Give us a call today to learn more about how our cleaning supplies can help you keep your home clean and safe for your family.